I had a fabulous time with the Dirty Weekenders last Sunday (the 8th Feb) at Pishwanton Wood (I think I was the only one who giggled at the name though). It was a beautiful crisp day, sunny but with snow still on the ground – excellent conditions for hacking away at trees, hammering posts into the ground, and weaving a new fence. I cut down a tree for the first time in my life (granted, they were pretty small trees) and it made the most satisfying crackling noise as it went down. I think everyone should try cutting down a tree with a blunt bow saw at some point in their life; it shows you the real meaning of hard work. We took a break for some delicious sandwiches and many biscuits and admired the peat-roofed buildings where the Life Science Trust do their work (agriculture classes, et cetera). The Dirty Weekenders are a great group of people – they’re not afraid of hard work and they come equipped with humour, snacks, and a lot of work gloves. I had a really wonderful time at Pishwanton Wood and I can’t wait for the coming projects!
Thanks for writing Robin & great photos Cameron