The 28 minute meeting minute highlights

The committee had a meeting on the 9/10/2014, here are our meeting minute highlights;

1. Big Green evening

There’s a Big Green evening on Friday 17th October, 5 till 11 in Teviot debating hall. There will be two hours of green societies and organisation stalls followed by a Ceilidh. Dirties will have a stall and various committee members will help man.

2. Sustainability grant

There’s a potential grant for grabs to fund a sustainability projects that’s slightly more original than usual. There will be two groups heading two potential projects. One will involve Billstone Glen, a protest site. The second will involve a campaign to raise awareness for planting native trees. Committee members have been assigned to head up each of these proposals.

 3. Tool budget

John has priced up various tools and it’s been agreed that he’s allowed to spend under £100.

 4. A.O.B

  • Film night on Thursday at the Brass monkey, 6pm-9pm.
  • We hope to have a Ceilidh with Zoosoc in January

Roslin Glen Midlothian science festival ! -Sunday 6th September

The weather turned this week. Winter is coming. The days get shorter, the wind blows harder and to cope we go into denial. We dream of spring and the life and colour of hopeful new flowers. Where am I going with this? Well, this Sunday on the 7th October we headed over to Roslin Glen to participate in the Midlothian Science Festival where we planted a variety of different bulbs for the following year. I’ll admit that it’s not much to look at right now. In fact it’s not dissimilar to the aftermath of a mole infestation. But next year, when you’re going for a walk through the Glen in the brisk Spring air, you’ll see crocuses and daffodils, snow drops and bluebells. We hope they brighten your day.
We dedicate this to the many worms that were drastically shortened by an unfortunate spade thrust in service to those flowers and honour their noble sacrifice. Also digging holes is surprisingly fun.


Thanks Charlotte!

Beeslack Woods – Sunday 28th September

We went to Beeslack woods on Sunday. The journey there was great with two camps: bus versus bikes. Naturally there was some back and forth between the two but the bus ultimately won. This time.
Upon arrival we discovered that there were some pesky trees that need not be standing. So we solved the problem with some light felling. Various logistical problems were quickly overcome by basic geometry and some brute force.
Never fear though. The trees were put to good use by lining the path so that we wouldn’t all fall down the slope that so plagued our navigation around the woods. Lunch, biscuits and the inevitable rhododendron bashing was rightfully also fulfilled.

Thanks Rosie!
