Ceilidh in Aid of the Woodland Trust 21/01/16

We had our annual Ceilidh in aid of Woodland Trust in the Teviot debating Halls with the folksoc band playing some tunes and calling the dances. There was some amazing dancing (see below) and a raffle of goodies from local Edinburgh stores.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv1qh28O7cw]

Thanks to Martha for the video.

We managed to raise just over £500!!! Which is amazing and will help the Woodland Trust plant native woodlands in the Pentland hills, we’ll be able to tell our grandkids that you did The Gay Gordons for them oaks.


Our January Ceilidh

We had a great turnout for our ceilidh on the 28th January. We were joined by some of the Edinburgh University Folk Society (FolkSoc) ceilidh band, who helped us to have a great night.

Here are some photos from the night (courtesy of John Godlee):

Full Gallery Link

Thanks to our socials organizers (Rosie & Rachel), the Folk Soc, all those who donated items for the raffle and everyone that could make it along. Sláinte!