Report on Inzievar Wood Project

Here is a recap of last week from ‘El Presidente’, Anna Webber:

“Last weekend, we went to a lovely new site out near Dunfermline called Inzievar Wood. After a bit of a walk through some woods, we started our rhodie bashing. We were removing the leftover and regrown plants after a professional crew had been in to get the majority of the plants. While it didn’t have the same excitement as demolishing a full-grown rhododendron plant several times bigger than a person, it was still surprisingly satisfactory to be able to rip the smaller rhodies out of the ground. The day never fully made up its mind about whether it really wanted to rain or not, but we also had some sunny patches! Tasty biscuits kept us going throughout the day, thanks to John and Morna. Hopefully we’ll go back to Inzievar Wood in the future and ensure that no more rhodies have returned!”

Photos (hopefully) to come soon.

Remember we have a social on the 20th March. All details can be found  here.

Updates and Roslin Glen Project this Sunday – #5

A bit late in the day, but here is some information on tomorrows project and a social in March.

Project via Cameron & Nina:

” Walkways walkways, walkways. What are we going to do with them? I hear you ask. Well we at the Super Fun Happy Time Smiley Dirty Weekenders have the answers! We’ll fix them and chop down more of those pesky not-supposed-to-be-quite-there-trees. It’s going to be a metaphorical whale of a time. A shark in a teapot some might say, a giraffe at the theatre? So bring along your sturdy footwear, warm clothing and waterproofs (it is Scotland after all), rock up to ye olde tool cupboard at the pleasant Pleasance at 10am on the beautiful morning that will be Sunday and have a ticketyboo time!
Cheers, Nina and Cameron, your projects coordinators whose mental stability might be waning. P.S. if you didn’t get it from my delightful informative and coherent and not at all driven by lack of sleep message, we’re heading to Roslin Glen :)”

Social in March

Rachel and Rosie are trying to gauge interest on a ceramic painting social. The potential dates are the 13th or 20th March pre-pub (7ish)

Here is a link of pricing and to display the wide variety of things you can paint!

If you want to register your interest, please do so on Facebook, via:

 That’s all for now folks.

Our January Ceilidh

We had a great turnout for our ceilidh on the 28th January. We were joined by some of the Edinburgh University Folk Society (FolkSoc) ceilidh band, who helped us to have a great night.

Here are some photos from the night (courtesy of John Godlee):

Full Gallery Link

Thanks to our socials organizers (Rosie & Rachel), the Folk Soc, all those who donated items for the raffle and everyone that could make it along. Sláinte!